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Did you know that in 2018, the RV industry contributed a whopping $114 billion to the US economy? Just for some reference, according to Forbes, in the year 2018, Major League Baseball made $10.3 billion. The RVIA and the RVDA, Recreational Vehicle Industry and Dealership Associations, are careful to control every aspect of the market. They are the ones hobnobbing with the politicians – scribing the laws that the RV consumer is forced to obey. The RVIA may make the RV and the RVDA may sell it, but the entire industry revolves around the consumer. As a result, any cause-marketing sponsor or corporate donors stand to gain a lot of good publicity by sponsoring the RVACA.

Defend the masses and your business will prosper

Once upon a time, the RV consumer was typically retired and older. But now, every age group is getting their piece of the RV. Most importantly, age bracket 35-44, which is the big money spending and making demographic every year, are gaining a larger percentage of RV ownership. Data from Statistical Surveys Inc. from 2015 to 2018, illustrated that the share of ownership of RVs for the 35-44 age group soared from 18.42% in 2015 to 20.75% in 2018.

Cause marketing is defined as when a company’s successful promotional campaign increases profits and also improves society. Essentially, cause marketing gives customers an extra reason to support your business. When I buy your product or service, I also get the satisfaction of contributing to a worthy cause. In some cases, that satisfaction is worth a lot more than whatever your business is selling.

By becoming a sponsor to the RVACA, you automatically become a crusader to everyone that owns or aspires to own an RV. In addition, by sponsoring the RVACA you brand your company as a progressive force, that not only sells goods or services, but also works towards a common good.

Our sponsors stand with us in the frontlines

Think of all the good that the RVACA does for the RV consumer. Now, imagine being credited for that good as well. According to Cause Marketing Forum, in 2012, 47% of consumers made at least one purchase a month because the product or service was aligned with a commendable cause. If a company supports something that a consumer feels very strongly about, they are more likely to flick their money towards that company.

Most importantly, the RVACA would promote your business and constantly remind our members, the RV consumer, that your business makes our fight for them possible. Without the weapons and armor that you supply, our army would be nothing. As we prepare for battle, we stand in the shadows of our tremendous opponents.

One-on-One Marketing

Once you become an RVACA sponsor, our team will work with you to develop marketing situations and opportunities to expand the brand of your business. As soon as you become a sponsor, you are the driving force behind an army of thousands of RV consumers. How will you use this unbridled force?


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