New Fund Raising Efforts in South Florida
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The RVACA has Partnered with Gigi’s Bar & Cafe, South Florida’s Newest Hotspot in Pompano Beach, to Host Weekly Events and Raise Funds for Our Cause.
Weekly Events at Gigi’s Bar & Cafe have brought in great crowds in their new Pompano Beach location. Gigi Stetler. Founder of the RVACA, is also the proprioter, and many nights, your personal server there at the bar. Most events are free to enter, and some have a cover charge. Local bands grace the elevated stage, Karaoke nights, and Singles Mingles are just a few of the events lined up on a regular basis at Gigi’s. With a restaurant and full bar inside, and online ordering abailable, Gigi hopes to use the funds raised at these eventds to offset the costs of continuing to provide the amazing services that the RVACA has come to be known for. Come out and help us, help you!